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ACTUS Documentation

ACTUS Online Documentation

ACTUS Quick Start

For those who wish to begin working with ACTUS, the Quick Start page provides an index to helpful documentation and instructions regarding where you can find and access a number of resources, demos, and downloadable ACTUS packages in order to continue working with ACTUS.


ACTUS has also recently announced an upcoming competition challenge in which interested parties can develop and submit entries in which participants demonstrate applications of ACTUS for a variety of potential use cases.  A pre-announcement of the ACTUS Competition is available to view using the designated link.


ACTUS Technical Specification

The ACTUS Technical Specification unambiguously defines the logic embedded in legal financial agreements according to which contract terms are mapped to a schedule of future contractual obligations (contract events). This specifications are developed, maintained, and released by the ACTUS Users Association under the link below or through our GitHub.


Further, the ACTUS Users Association develops, maintains, and releases a reference implementation in Java through our GitHub under the ACTUS Core License (a FOSS license). Currently we require for regulatory purposes that downloaders of the reference implementation register here.

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