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Find below a description of various business rules used in the data dictionary defining the applicability of contract attributes to the various contract types (CT).


CA: means contract attribute (or field) in the data dictionary              

CT: means contract type




a is used in case all b, c, d, e are empty (i.e. a = a( , , ) )



business rule a(b,c,d) defines through rule ‘a’ whether a CA is non-applicable, mandatory, or optional, rule ‘b’ indicates whether the same applicability rule is subject to further conditional group rule ‘c’, and rule ‘d’ defines an additional applicability rule that may apply in the context of stand-alone or parent-child CTs. In addition, rule 'e' is a special rule that generally apply across different attribute groups and govern the value of a CA in one group given the value of another CA in the other group.


General array rule (applies to any array-type CA)

In general, optional or conditional array-type CAs must be of length (i.e. number of array-elements) 1 or have the same length as the array-type ANX CA in the respective business rule group

-> if length 1: then use the single array-element for all array-periods

-> if same length as driving array-type CA: then use for each array period the respective element




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